
Minggu, 22 November 2009

Important Phone Number

A. Nomor telepon darurat
- Darurat = 112
- Ambulan = 118
- Polisi = 110
- Pemadam Kebakaran = 113
- SAR / Search and Rescue = 115
- Posko Kewaspadaan Nasional = 122
- Informasi dan perbaikan kerusakan dan gangguan telepon = 117
- Informasi dan perbaikan kerusakan dan gangguan listrik = 123
- Palang Merah Indonesia atau PMI = 021-4207051
- Sentra Informasi Keracunan (Siker) = 021-4250767, 021-4227875

B. Nomor telepon layanan informasi
- Informasi billing atau tagihan telepon = 109
- Informasi jam atau waktu = 103
- Informasi lokal / umum = 108
- Informasi interlokal = 106
- Informasi internasional = 102
- Informasi interlokal melalui operator = 105
- Informasi internasional melalui operator = 101 / 104
- Informasi telemarketing = 162
- Informasi pos dan giro = 161
- Layanan Phonogram / Telegram via Telepon = 165

Jakarta Delicious Food


  • RAVINO PATISSERIE, Jl. Raya perjuangan – Ruko Graha Mas B18, Kebun Jeruk Jakarta Barat Telp. 530-3360
  • Kue coklat Maison Benny, Jl. Cikini, dekat TIM
  • Pistales SMA III, Jl. Setia Budi
  • Kue Tradisional Ny. Ali, Jl. Kramat Pela
  • Toko Kue TV Jl. Cikajang:


  • Bakmi Mie Kita, Ruko Piazza Venesia, Jl. Trocadero 110 Lippo Karawaci Utara, telp 021-5576-1777
  • Bakmi Udin, Jl. Besuki, deket SD Besuki, Menteng
  • Bakso / Mie Bakso Jl. Tanjung
  • Mie Ayam Gang Kelinci: Gang Kelinci Ps. Baru
  • Bakmi Ps. Cikini
  • Bakso Komplek IKJ, deket Bioskop 21:tongkrongannya anak-anak IKJ
  • Bakso / Siomay LIA Pramuka
  • Bakso Matraman, di Jl. Matraman Raya, sebelahnya SD Marsudirini: Es Durennya
  • Mie deket gereja, depan PARKIT, Sabang
  • Bakmi Tropik, Ambassador Mall, Jl. Casablanca
  • Baso Lapangan Tembak, Senayan
  • Mie Ayam Buncit, di Jl. Warung Buncit
  • Mie Engkoh, depan Komp. Pertanian Ps. Minggu
  • Bakso Titoti, dari Pancoran kira2 400m dari Goro sebelah kiri jalan kebon jeruk depan SMP 75
  • Bakmi Boy, Ps. Mayestik, Jl. Cikajang
  • Bakso Bola Tenis, dekat Lapangan Blok S (malam)
  • Bakso/Siomay Blok S, depannya RS Kebayoran: eh..Es Podengnya enak juga
  • Bakmi Pangsit depan RSB Asih, Melawai (BARU)
  • Bakmi Permata, Permata Hijau-dekat Tops Supermarket, Wisma 46 Kota BNI Lt.2
  • Cwie Mie Malang (HCM) di Arteri Simatupang
  • Baso Tirta Marta Pondok Indah, depannya Sekolah Tirta Marta: Mie Ayam dpn gardu juga enak
  • Mie Yamin Tri-M Pondok Indah, pdi pertokoan dekat Ora et Labora PI
  • Bakmi Villa, belakang Villa Cinere Mas, Jl.Karang Tengah, Cinere
  • Mie ceker bandung JL. Sambas, Jl. Tebet Barat Raya.


  • Ayam Goreng Pemuda, Jl. Surabaya, Menteng; Casblanca
  • Ayam Bakar perempatan, Jl kebon jeruk
  • Ayam Bakar Menteng, seberang Menteng Plaza
  • Pecel Ayam Bu Bambang, Ps. Benhil
  • Ayam Bakar Jl. Denpasar, Kuningan, dari Casablanca sebelah kanan jalan (BARU)
  • Ayam Berkah, Blok M belakangnya SMP 56: yang enak yang tenda kuning,
  • Ayam Taliwang, Tebet; Jl Wolter Monginsidi; Jl. P. Polim samping Apotik Jaya
  • Ayam Bakar SoGO (Somay Gope’) sebelum Hero Kalimalang, kiri. Dari arah Halim
  • Ayam Bakar Gantari, sebelah Blok M plaza adannya di pinggir jalan.
  • Ayam Bakar di Bioskop Metrropol, deket RSCM, sambelnya enak.


  • Bubur Ayam Cikini, depan KFC (malam)
  • Bubur Ayam bang TATANG, Rawa belong
  • Bubur Ayam ex depan ALFA, meruya.
  • Bubur Ayam Jl. Tanjung, Menteng
  • Bubur Ayam Cideng, Ps. Cideng Tanah Abang (malam)
  • Bubur Ayam Sukabumi, Tebet
  • Bubur Ayam Senayan, di depan Istora, Mobil Ijo (Minggu pagi)
  • Bubur Ayam depan RS Pondok Indah (pagi)
  • Bubur Ayam Sawangan, depan Polsek Sawangan, Cinere (pagi)
  • Bubur Ayam Barito, depan makam jl. Barito


  • Nasi Goreng Kambing Kebon Sirih (malam)
  • Nasi Goreng Bumen Jaya, Jl pejompongan
  • Nasi Goreng Jl. Lembang, Menteng: jangan salah pilih cari yang rame
  • Nasi Goreng Jl. Lombok, Menteng (Ada Ayam Malaya, Kuluyuk, dll)
  • Nasi Goreng Sosis, seberang Lippo Menteng depan Nanaban Tei
  • Nasi Goreng Sea Food Cikini, dekat KFC
  • Nasi Goreng Kambing Bakti, dekat Senopati, masuk dari Pom Bensin Senopati
  • Nasi Goreng Pekalongan, Jl. Fatmawati, Pondok Labu, depannya ex. Circle K


  • Nasi Uduk Mas Miskun, Jl. Kramat Raya, dekat Hotel Acacia
  • Nasi Uduk Gondangdia, di bawahnya Fly Over Kereta Jl. Gondangdia Lama
  • Nasi Uduk Babe Saman, Jl. Kebon Kacang II, kalau nggak salah
  • Nasi Uduk Rawa Mangun, dekat Terminal Rawamangun
  • Nasi Uduk Spesial Jl. Kali Malang, deket terminal, dekat perempatan Jati Bening
  • Warteg Warmo, Tebet: setiap orang pasti tahu
  • Nasi Uduk Dikun, depan Komp. Pertanian, Ps. Minggu
  • Warteg Setia, Jl. Fatmawati, depan Ps. Mede: tempat makan selebriti


  • Sea Food Rawamangun, deket Ps. Rawamangun
  • Sea Food 99, Kp. Melayu, dekat RS Mitra Keluarga
  • Ikan Tude, Jl. Blora
  • Sarang Kepiting Jl. Gunung Sahari deket Ancol, sebrangnya Novotel Mangga2
  • Sea Food di Pertokoan Bintaro Sektor 9, belakang Mc Donald Sektor 9
  • Sea Food depannya Bunderan PSKD IV Blok M
  • Sea Food Baruna, pojokan depannya Balemang Caf?
  • Sea Food Muara Angke: bisa beli Ikan (milih sendiri) dan minta bakarin disana.


  • Sate Kambing Muda, bintaro (perempatan bintaro, gerbang bintaro)
  • Sate Kambing Jalan Karawang (makan siang) kalo bingung cari teriak Buyung aja
  • Sate Ayam bunderan Kolam Lembang
  • Sate Kambing pojokan jalan Sabang, depan kantor Polisi
  • Sate Kambing Ny. Semarang, Megaria/Metropole
  • Sate Kambing Jono, Jl. Pejompongan
  • Sate Pancoran, Jl Raya Ps. Minggu, deketnya ILP
  • Sate Kambing Bu Yanti, Duren Tiga
  • Sate Blok S, tetanggaan ama Baso Blok S, depan RS Kebayoran
  • Sate Cikajang, Ps. Santa
  • Sate Apotik Jaya, Panglima Polim
  • Sate Ayam Jl. Samba
  • Sate Ayam depan RS Pertamina: uenakk!
  • Sate Hadori, Jl. Bangka, cabangnya Bandung:
  • Sate Ayam di pertokoan Pondok Indah Plaza
  • Sate Tri-M Pondok Indah, di pertokoan deket Ora et Labora Pondok Indah (siang)
  • Sate Kambing Pak Haji Jl. Karang Tengah, dekat perempatan Lb. Bulus (Hero Lb Bulus) – Kr.Tengah


  • Steak Cemara Art & Curio, Jl. Cemara
  • Steak Jakarta Steak. Meruya
  • Steak di dalam pelataran Komplek Taman Ismail Marzuki IKJ
  • Steak 41, Jl Tendean, sebelahnya Golden Truly
  • Steak Rollies, di Kampung Tenda Semanggi
  • Bebek Balap, di Tenda Bis Tingkat Semanggi
  • Abuba (Abu Bakar), Cipete: awas banyak asep! Kemang Steak, Jl. H. Nawi
  • Steak Lokananta Terrace Resto, Panglima Polim II / 2. Samping RS Bersalin Asih.


  • Deket Mesjid Sunda Kelapa banyak yang gerobaknya
  • Sepanjang Jalan Karawang
  • Jl. Mendut, deketnya Prambors, pas tikungan deket KONTRAS


  • Sop Buntut, deket Mesjid Cut Mutiah, siang s/d jam 12.00
  • Soto Mie Jl. Cilacap, Menteng
  • Soto Mie YPK, depan RSB YPK, Jl. Gereja Theresia
  • M. Soleh Kumis 999, Jalan Blora
  • Soto Madura Ps. Baru, di pojokan seberang jalannya Mesjid Istiqlal
  • Soto Mie Jl. Lautze, Ps. Baru
  • Soto Madura Gubeng, Jl. Juanda, Sebelah Bank Mandiri (dulunya Bank Exim)
  • Sop Buntut-nya Hotel Borobudur
  • Coto Makassar Kelapa Gading, Jl. Boulevard
  • Soto Betawi, tembusannya jalan Minangkabau
  • Soto Gebrak, di Lapangan Ros Tebet, yang enak tikungan, dekat tukang Ban
  • Sop Konro, Makasar, di Jl. Lap Ros Tebet, awas ngantri
  • Sop Kambing Irwan, seberang RSB Asih, Melawai
  • Soto Kudus Blok A
  • Soto Ayam UKI Cawang letaknya di tengah lapang, agak terperosok ke dalam
  • Soto/Sop Ayam By Pass, di prempatan depannya Samsat Cipinang, yang ke arah tembusan Otista, sebelah kiri setelah lampu merah
  • Soto Ayam Ambengan Surabaya, Jl. Walter Monginsidi
  • Soto Kudus Blok M, Jl. Radio Dalam
  • Soto kambing di roxy, ganda rasa


  • Pecel Lele, Jl. Juanda depan Bank DKI
  • Dapsun (Dapur Sunda), (1) Jl Cipete 200m dari Golden Truly; (2) Jl. Gatot Subroto ex MBAU
  • RM. Nikmat Nusantara, jl. Kebon bawang 6/68, tg priok. deketnya kantor pajak jak-ut. Adanya siangdoang. Cobain sop buntutnya deh…. top banget!!
  • Dapur Sunda Laksana, sebelah Bakmie GM Melawai
  • Gudeg di dalam Ps. Cikini
  • Gudeg Mbak Trie, depannya Lintas Melawai Club
  • Gudeg Lesehan Blok M, deketnya 5 a sec Blok M, Jl. Panglima Polim


  • Jalan Kramat deket Fly Over Senen, aneka masakan Padang di jual disana
  • Sate Padang depan supermarket Tip Top, Rawamangun
  • Sate Padang seberang Lippo Menteng
  • Sate Padang Goyang Lidah depan C0inere Mall
  • Sate Padang Mak Syukur, Food Court Pasaraya Blok M
  • Sate Padang, Plaza Pondok Indah,
  • Soto Padang Jl. Pintu Air, Ps. Baru
  • Restoran Aceh di Ps. Baru, deketnya Antara
  • Rumah Makan Medan Jaya, Gule Kepala Ikan sama Asam
  • Ayam Pop RM Sederhana: paling enak yang di Sabang


  • Remaja (Chineese), Komp. Mal Kelapa Gading
  • Tanpa Nama (Jepang), Jl. Kebun Binatang, Cikini
  • Roku-roku (Jepang), sepanjang Jl. Fatmawati (dekat 5 a sec)
  • Restoran Trio Jl. Gondangdia Lama sudah top dari jaman opa oma


  • Gado-gado Jl. Cemara (dekat Ps. Boplo), bumbunya pake kacang mede
  • Gado-gado Jl. Kertajaya, jejeran Jl. Adityawarman
  • Gado-gado Jl. Kertanegara
  • Gado-gado Jl. Daksa
  • Ketoprak Jl. Sunda (dekat Sarinah), deketnya GM sama Inter Studi
  • Ketoprak Jl. Borobudur kalo ini deket kantor Divisi Tehnik Masima
  • Ketoprak di Lapangan Parkir Pacuan Kuda Pulo Mas
  • Ketoprak Atma Jaya, didalem Kantin Kampus Unika Atma Jaya
  • Ketoprak STEKPI, dekat lapangan parkir STEKPI
  • Ketoprak Jl. Ciragil
  • Ketoprak Jl. Cikajang
  • Gado-gado Jl. Tanjung


  • Siomay Dorongan Borobudur
  • Siomay Bulungan, depan GOR Bulungan
  • Siomay Bandung, Jl Cipete.
  • Siomay Senayan, Plaza Senayan Lt. Dasar, dekat Hero
  • Bakpau Theresia, dekat kompleks Gereja Theresia
  • Lumpia Jakarta, Jl. Pecenongan
  • Siomay pas depan Menteng Plaza


  • Pempek Jl. Garuda, Kemayoran
  • Pempek Jl. Radio Dalam
  • Pempek 76 Jl. Kramat Jati depan Hero Kramat Jati
  • Pempek di depan Lapangan Blok S, sebelah salon
  • Otak – otak Jl. Sangaji, Tanah Abanh
  • Otak-otak deketnya Mesjid Istiqlal: yang jualan pake dorongan


  • Martabak Favorit Rawamangun, depannya Apotik Rini Rawamangun / Tiptop
  • Martabak Mesir Kubang, Jl. Sahardjo
  • Martabak Bandung, di Manggarai Jl. Minangkabau
  • Martabak Tendean, di Restoran Mbok Berek Tendean
  • Martabak Bandung Fatmawati, dkt Perempatan Cipete, sebelahnya Toko Karpet
  • Martabak Spotlite, (1) Jl. Fatmawati; (2) Jl. Cinere Raya
  • Martabak Bandung Blok M, deketnya Duta, Barito
  • Martabak Pela, cabangnya martabak Barito
  • Martabak Bangka yang deket RCTI, dekat toko buah
  • Kerak Telor PRJ, pokoknya kalo yang jual orang Betawi pasti enak


  • Toge Goreng PLN Bogor, Top Banget, depannya Restoran Bogor Permai, Bogor yang di gubuk sebelah tukang sate
  • Tahu Isi Tiptop, Rawamangun
  • Toge Goreng Ps. Baru, belakang Metro, Gg. Tua Pek Kong
  • Di Jalan Ateri Pondok Indah, sebelon perempatan Komplek KOSTRAD (sore-malam)
  • Di pelataran RuKo Pondok Indah Plaza, biasanya mangkal deket Mc Donald


  • Juice Duren Ps. Cikini
  • Es Doger Jl Besuki
  • Es Krim Ragusa (Italia), Jl Veteran
  • Es Duren Matraman, Jl Matraman Raya
  • Es Kelapa / Kopyor – Otak-otak Jl. Sangaji
  • Es Doger / Es Kelapa Jl. Karawang
  • Es Palu Butung, jualannya di Sop Konro, atau restoran Makasar
  • Es Podeng Blok S, temenannya Sate Blok S


  • Asinan Jl. Kamboja, depan Tiptop Rawamangun, terkenal dari dulu.
  • Rujak Ulek/Serut/Juhi di Jl. Sabang depan Robinson
  • Di depan Markas KODAM JAK-SEL , dari Jl. Arteri Pondok Indah, yang mo ke PI, pas di perempatan KOSTRAD, belok kiri, * 100 meter sebelah kiri (ada pas siang doank)
  • Rujak Aceh di Pasaraya Blok M


  • Roti Bakar Edi, terkenal sejak jaman taon 80′an,
  • Jln Daksa, ada Nasi Uduk + Ayam, kalo pesen bilang aja, Nasi Uduk Ayam Injek-2
  • Roti Bakar Wiwied, Jl Fatmawati, dpnnya ATM BCA Fatmawati, deket Komp.Keu.
  • Roti Bakar Pondok Indah, deket RS Pondok Indah
  • Roti Bakar di Bunderan PSKD IV Blok M

Hospital in Jakarta

Abdi Waluyo, RS
Jl. HOS. Cokroaminoto No. 31
Jakarta Pusat 10350
Telp. (021) 3907176, 3907278
Fax. (021) 330866, 3907278

Bina Estetika, RS. Bedah Plastik
Jl. Teuku Cik Ditiro No.41
Jakarta Pusat 10310
Telp. (021) 3909393, 3901944
Fax. (021) 3155258

Budi Kemuliaan, RSB
Jl. Budi Kemuliaan 25
Jakarta Pusat 10110
Telp. (021) 384 2828
Fax. (021) 350 1012
Email: e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
Email2: e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Bunda Jakarta, RSB
Jl Teuku Cik Ditiro 28, Menteng
Jakarta Pusat 10350
Telp. (021) 322005
Fax. (021) 3101077
Email: e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
Cipto Mangunkusumo (PERJAN) , RS
Jl. Diponegoro 71, Jakarta
Telp. (021) 3918301 – 13
Fax. (021) 314891
Email: dir_rscm@yahoo.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Dharma Jaya, RS. Saraf dan Jiwa
Jl. Raya Mangga Besar No. 138
Jakarta 10750
Telp. (021) 6393627, 6597780
Fax. (021) 6597780

Dharma Sakti, RS
Jl. Kaji No. 40 Jakarta Pusat
Telp. (021) 353991
Dr. Mintoharjo, RS TNI AL
Jl. Bendungan Hilir No.17A
Jakarta Pusat 10210
Telp. (021) 5732036, 5703081
Fax. (021) 5711997

Evasari, RSIA
Jl. Rawamangun No. 47
Jakarta Pusat 10570
Telp. (021) 4202851-4
Fax. (021) 4244490

Gatot Subroto, RS

Jl. AB. Rahman Saleh 24
Jakarta Pusat 10410
Telp. (021) 352-0618, 344-1008

Husada, RS
Jl. Raya Mangga Besar 137-139
Jakarta 10730
Kotak Pos 2165/JKT 10001
Telp. (021) 6260108, 6490090, 6010500 (Hunting)
Fax. (021) 6497494
Email: e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Husni Thamrin, RS
Jl. Salemba Tengah No.26-28
Jakarta 10440 Indonesia
Telp. (021) 3904422 ext.(customer service)
Fax. (021) 3107816
Email: info@thamrinhospital.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Islam Jakarta, RS
Jl. Cempaka putih Tengah I/1
Jakarta Pusat
Telp. (021) 4250451 - 4244208 (hunting)
Fax. (021) 4206681
Email: e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it , e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Jakarta Eyes Center
Jln. Cik Ditiro 46, Menteng
Jakarta Pusat 10310
Telp. (021) 3107434, 335600
Fax. (021) 3904601
Email: jec@jakarta-eye-center.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Kramat 128, RS
Jl. Kramat Raya No. 128
Jakarta Pusat 10430
Telp. (021) 3909513, 3909814
Fax. (021) 3909125

Mitra Kemayoran, RS
Jl. Landas Pacu Timur
Kemayoran, Jakarta 10630
Telp. (021) 654555, 6545888
Fax. (021) 6545959

Mitra Menteng Abadi, RS

Jl. Kalipasir No.9, Jakarta Pusat
Telp. (021) 3154050
Fax. (021) 3146309

Panti Raharja, RS. Khusus

Jl. Sawo No. 58-60 Menteng
Jakarta Pusat 10350
Telp. (021) 326152
Fax. (021) 326503

PGI Cikini, RS
Jl. Raden Saleh 40, Jakarta 10330
Telp. (21) 336961 (hunting) , 324471 , 3149672
Fax. (021) 324663
Email : e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Proklamasi, RSK THT Bedah
Jl. Proklamasi No. 43
Jakarta Pusat 10320
Telp. (021) 3900002 (Hunting)
Fax. (021) 3900947
Email: e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

St. Carolus, RS
Jl. Salemba Raya No. 41
Jakarta Pusat
Telp. (021) 310 1946, 390 4441
Email: e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Tarakan, RSUD
Jl. Kyai Caringin No. 7
Jakarta Pusat 10150
Telp. (021) 3842934, 3810149
Fax. (021) 3503412

YPK Mandiri, RSB

Jl. Gereja Theresia No.22
Jakarta 10350
Telp. (021) 3909735 (H)
Fax. (021) 3909806

Agung, RS

Jl. Sultan Agung No.67 Manggarai
Jakarta Selatan
Telp. (021) 829 4955
Fax. (021) 830 5791
Email : e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Asih, RSB
Jalan Panglima Polim I/34, Kayoran Baru
Jakarta Selatan
Telp. (021) 7255188

Budhi Jaya, RSIA
Jl. Dr. Sahardjo No. 120
Jakarta Selatan
Telp. (021) 8292672 – 8311722
Fax. (021) 8301901

Fatmawati, RS
Jl. RS Fatmawati, Cilandak
Telp. (021) 750-1524

Harapan Kartini, RS
Jl. Ampera Raya No.1, Kemang
Jakarta 12560
Telp. (021) 7804381 (2 Hunting), 7891842, 7891843
Fax. (021) 7246328

Kebayoran, RS
Jl. Birah III/4 Kebayoran Baru
Jakarta Selatan 12180
Telp. (021) 7260701, 7393330
Fax. (021) 7206323

Ketergantungan Obat, RS
Jl. RS. Fatmawati, Cilandak
Jakarta Selatan
Telp. (021) 7695461, 7504009
Fax. (021) 7504022
Email: e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Marinir Cilandak, RS
Jl. Raya Cilandak, KKO, Pasar Minggu
Jakarta Selatan
Telp. (021) 7805415, 7805296
Fax. (021) 7812764

Medistra, RS
Jl.Jend. Gatot Subroto Kav.59
Jakarta 12950
Telp. (021) 5210200 (H 22 saluran)
Fax. (021) 5210184

Metropolitan Medical Centre (MMC), RS
Jl. HR Rasuna Said Kav. C-21
Jakarta Selatan 12940
Telp. (021) 5203435 (H 32 lines)
Fax. (021) 5203417
Email: e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Panti Nugeraha, RSB
Jl. Senayan No. 26, Blok S, Kebayoran Baru,
Jakarta Selatan 12180
Telp. (021) 7221171

Pasar Minggu, RS

Jl. Raya Ragunan P.7 Pasar Minggu
Jakarta Selatan 12510
Telp. (021) 7808034, 7801868
Fax. (021) 7806548

Pertamina, RSP
Jl. Kyai Maja No.43, Kebayoran Baru
Jakarta Selatan 12120
Telp. (021) 7219300, 7219564, 7219800
Fax. (021) 7261126
Email: e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Pondok Indah, RS
Jl. Metro Duta Kav.UE, Pondok Indah
Jakarta Selatan 12310
Telp. (021) 7692272, 7657525
Fax. (021) 7502324, 769-9033
Email: e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Prikasih, RS
Jl. RS. Fatmawati No. 74, Pondok Labu
Jakarta Selatan
Telp. (021) 7501192 7504669
Fax. (021) 7505148
Email: e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
Email2: e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Prof. Isak Salim Aini, RS Mata
Jl.H.R. Rasuna Said (Kuningan)
Jakarta 12920 - Indonesia
Telp. ( 021) 5256228,5203866
Fax. ( 021 ) 5224288
Email: e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Sanatorium Dharmawangsa, RS
Jl. Dharmawangsa Raya 13 Blok F-II
Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta - Selatan
Telp. (021) 7394484
Fax. (021) 7394162
Email: e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
Email2: e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Setia Mitra, RS
Jl. RS. Fatmawati No. 80 – 82
Jakarta Selatan
Telp. (021) 7656000 7510567
Fax. (021) 7656875
Email : e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
Email2: e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Siaga Raya, RS

Jl. Siaga Raya Kav. 4-8, Pejaten Barat
Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan - 12510
Telp. (021) 7972750 (Hunting)
Fax. (021) 7970494
Email : e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Tebet, RS
Jl.Let. Jend. Haryono M.T. No. 8 Jakarta 12810
Telp. (021) 8307540 (Hunting)
Fax. (021) 8311760
Email : e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
Email2: e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Tria Dipa, RS

Jl. Raya Pasar Minggu No.3a
Jakarta 12780
Telp. (021) 7974071 Fax. 7974074
Yayasan Yurino, RSK THT Bedah
Jl. Ciranjang No. 20, Kebayoran Baru
Jakarta Selatan
Telp. (021) 713366, 7208192
Fax. (021) 7398837

Budhi Asih, RSUD
Jl. Dewi Sartika III/No.200, Cawang
Jakarta Timur 13630
Telp. (021) 8090282
Fax. (021) 8009157

Dharma Nugraha, RS
Jl. Jl. Balai Pustaka Baru No. 19 Rawamangun
Jakarta Timur
Telp. (021) 4707433
Fax. (021) 4707428

Dr. Esnawan Antariksa, RS. TNI AU

Jl. Merpati No. 2 Lanud Halim Perdana Kusuma
Jakarta 13610
Telp. (021) 8019046
Fax. (021) 8098665
Email : e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Jl. Letjen. Soetoyo – Cawang
Jakarta Timur
Telp. (021) 8092317
Fax. (021) 8092445

Haji Jakarta, RS
Jl. Raya Pondok Gede, Jakarta Timur 13560
Telp. (021) 8000693 (Hunting)
Fax. (021) 8000702 - 8090917
Email: e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Harapan Bunda, RS

Jl. Raya Bogor KM.22 No.44
Jakarta Timur
Telp. (021) 8400257 (Hunting)
Fax. (021) 8412977
Email : e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
Harapan Jayakarta, RS
Jl. Bekasi Timur Raya No. 6 Km. 18, Pulogadung
Jakarta Timur 13930

Note: RS (Rumah Sakit) = Hospital



As the economic and political capital of Indonesia, Jakarta attracts many foreign as well as domestic immigrants. Many of the immigrants come from other parts of Indonesia, bringing along a mixture of languages, dialects, traditional foods and customs.

A nickname for Jakarta is "The Big Durian".

The Betawi (Orang Betawi, or "people of Batavia") is a term used to describe the descendants of the people living in and around Batavia and recognized as an ethnic group from around the 18th-19th century. The Betawi people are mostly descended from various Southeast Asian ethnic groups brought or attracted to Batavia to meet labor needs, and include people from parts of Indonesia.[28] The language and the culture of these immigrants is distinct from that of the Sundanese or Javanese. The language is more based on the East Malay dialect and enriched by loan words from Sundanese, Javanese, Chinese, and Arabic. Nowadays, the Jakarta-dialects used by people in Jakarta are loosely based on the Betawi language.

Ironically, the Betawi arts are rarely found in Jakarta due to their infamous low-profile and most Betawi have moved to the border of Jakarta, displaced by new immigrants. It is easier to find Java or Minang based wedding ceremonial instead of Betawi weddings in Jakarta. It is easier to find Javanese Gamelan instead of Gambang Kromong (a mixture between Betawi and Chinese music) or Tanjidor (a mixture between Betawi and Portuguese music) or Marawis (a mixture between Betawi and Yaman music). However, some festivals such as the Jalan Jaksa Festival or Kemang Festival include efforts to preserve Betawi arts by inviting artists to give performances.[29]

There has also been a significant Chinese community in Jakarta for many centuries. Officially, they make up 6% of the Jakarta population, though this number may be under-reported.[30]

Jakarta has several museums featuring general as well as specific themes of interest. The museums in Jakarta cluster around the Central Jakarta Merdeka Plain area, Jakarta Old Town, and Taman Mini Indonesia Indah. The museums in Jakarta are: National Museum of Indonesia, Jakarta Historical Museum, Wayang Museum, Ceramics and Fine Arts Museum, Maritime Museum, Bank Indonesia Museum, Bank Mandiri Museum, Textile Museum, Satria Mandala Military Museum, Indonesia Museum, Indonesian Fauna Museum, Asmat Museum, Insect Museum, Sport Museum, Tranportation Museum, Telecommunication Museum, Petrol and Gas Museum, Electricity and New Energy Museum, Pusaka (Heirloom) Museum, Stamp Museum, Bayt al-Qur’an and Istiqlal Islamic Museum, and Jakarta Cathedral Museum.

One of the many Sukarno era statues in the city
A large shopping mall in Jakarta.

Jakarta has several performing art centers, such as the Taman Ismail Marzuki (TIM) art center in Cikini, Gedung Kesenian Jakarta near Pasar Baru, Balai Sarbini in Plaza Semanggi area, Bentara Budaya Jakarta in Palmerah area, Pasar Seni (Art Market) in Ancol, and traditional Indonesian art performances at the pavilions of some Provinces in Taman Mini Indonesia Indah. Traditional music is often found at high-class hotels, including Wayang and Gamelan performances. Javanese Wayang Orang performance can be found at Wayang Orang Bharata theater near Senen bus terminal. As the nation's largest city and capital, Jakarta has lured much national and regional talent who hope to find a greater audience and more opportunities for success.

Jakarta is hosting several prestigious art and culture festivals as well as exhibitions, such as the annual Jakarta International Film Festival (JiFFest), Jakarta International Java Jazz Festival, Jakarta Fashion Week, Jakarta Fashion & Food Festival (JFFF), Flona Jakarta (Flora and Fauna exhibition, held annually on August in Lapangan Banteng park featuring flowers, plant nursery, and pets), also Indonesia Creative Products and Jakarta Arts and Crafts exhibition. The Jakarta Fair is held annually from mid June to mid July to celebrate the anniversary of the city. It is largely centered around a trade fair, however this month-long fair also has featured entertainments, arts and music performances by local bands and musicians.

Several foreign art and culture centers also established in Jakarta, mainly serve to promote culture and language through learning centers, libraries, and art galleries. Among these foreign art and cultural centers are Netherlands Erasmus Huis, UK British Council, France Centre Culturel Français, Germany Goethe-Institut, Japan Foundation, and Jawaharlal Nehru Indian Cultural Center.


Landmarks and Tourist Attractions

Landmarks and Tourist Attractions

Jakarta's most recognizable landmark is National Monument, standing right in the center of Merdeka Square, the central park of the city. While other landmarks are religious buildings, such as Istiqlal Mosque and Jakarta Cathedral. The Wisma 46 building in Central Jakarta is currently the highest building in Jakarta and Indonesia. Jakarta has many museums, such as National Museum of Indonesia, Fatahillah Museum, Wayang (Puppet) Museum, Satria Mandala Museum, and Maritime Museum.

Some tourist attractions are Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, Ragunan Zoo, Jakarta Old Town, and Ancol Dreamland complex on Jakarta Bay, include Dunia Fantasi theme park, Sea World, Atlantis Water Adventure, and Gelanggang Samudra.

Jakarta is one of most attractive shopping places in Southeast Asia apart from Singapore. There are also many shopping malls with the big area (more than 100,000 metres square), including Grand Indonesia, Plaza Indonesia, Senayan City, Plaza Senayan, Pondok Indah Mall, Mal Taman Anggrek, Mal Kelapa Gading, Mal Artha Gading, Mall of Indonesia, and Pacific Place. Beside traditional market likes Blok M, Tanah Abang, Senen, Glodok, Mangga Dua, Cempaka Mas, and Jatinegara. As a shopping city, every June-July Jakarta conducts annual Jakarta Great Sale. It takes place in the malls and department stores across the city with many offering special discounts and deals.[42]

Jakarta is also famous for its nightlife, with a very cosmopolitan atmosphere in the city's southern clubs (Blowfish, Dragonfly, Red Square) and more local clubs in the north (Stadium, Millenium, Golden Crown).[43]


Jakarta at a Glance


This article is about the capital city of Indonesia. For other uses, see Jakarta (disambiguation).
Special Capital Region
Special Capital Region of Jakarta
Daerah Khusus Ibu Kota Jakarta
(From top, left to right): Jakarta Old Town, Hotel Indonesia Roundabout, Jakarta Skyline, Gelora Bung Karno Stadium, Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, Monumen Nasional, Merdeka Palace, Istiqlal Mosque and Jakarta Cathedral
Flag of Jakarta
Coat of arms of Jakarta
Coat of arms
Nickname(s): The Big Durian,[1][2] J-Town[3]
Motto: Jaya Raya (Sanskrit)
(meaning: Victorious and great)
Location of Jakarta in Indonesia
Location of Jakarta in Indonesia
Coordinates: 6°12′S 106°49′ECoordinates6°12′S 106°49′E
 • TypeSpecial administrative area
 • GovernorBasuki Tjahaja Purnama[4]
 • Vice GovernorDjarot Saiful Hidayat
 • Special Capital Region661.5 km2 (255.4 sq mi)
 • Metro17,132 km2 (6,615 sq mi)
Area rank33rd
Elevation8 m (26 ft)
Population (2010 census)
 • Special Capital Region9,607,787
 • Rank6th (province)
1st (city)
 • Metro30,214,303
Demonym(s)Jakartan, Indonesianwarga Jakarta
Time zoneWIB (UTC+7)
Area code(s)+62 21
Vehicle registrationB
HDISteady 0.789 (High)
HDI rank1st (2015)
Jakarta is not part of any province, it is controlled directly by the national government and is designated as the Special Capital Region
Jakarta /əˈkɑːrtə/,[note 1] (formerly named Sunda Kelapa, Jayakarta and Batavia) officially the Special Capital Region of Jakarta, is the capital and most populous city of the Republic of Indonesia.
Located on the northwest coast of the world's most populous island of Java, Jakarta is the country's economic, cultural and political centre, with a population of 10,075,310 as of 2014.[5][6] The official metropolitan area, known as Jabodetabek (a name formed by combining the initial syllables of Jakarta, BogorDepokTangerang and Bekasi), is the second largest in the world, yet the metropolis' suburbs still continue beyond it. Its unofficial built-up (metropolitan) area covers Bogor, Tangerang, Bekasi, Karawang, Serang, Purwakarta, Sukabumi and Subang regencies (123 districts), also including Tangerang, Bekasi, Tangerang Selatan, Depok, Serang and Cilegon Municipalities, which in total were home to 30,214,303 inhabitants as of 2010 census.[7]
Established in the fourth century, the city became an important trading port for the Kingdom of Sunda. It was the de facto capital of the Dutch East Indies (known as Batavia at that time). Today, the city has continued as the capital of Indonesia since the country's independence was declared in 1945. The city is currently the seat of the ASEAN Secretariat as well as important financial institutions such as the Bank of Indonesia, the Indonesia Stock Exchange, and the corporate headquarters of numerous Indonesian companies and multinational corporations. Jakarta's business opportunities, as well as its potential to offer a higher standard of living, attract migrants from all over Indonesia, making the city a melting pot of many communities and cultures.[8]
Jakarta is listed as an alpha-global city in the 2012 Globalization and World Cities Study Group and Network (GaWC) research.[9]Based on the global metro monitor by the Brookings Institution, in 2014, economic growth in Jakarta ranked 34th among the world's 200 largest cities.[10] Jakarta has grown more rapidly than Kuala LumpurBeijing, and Bangkok.[11]